Here & Now
To be in the Here and Now means to be centered within this exact moment;
To release any attachments from the past and any expectations from the future, an experience that leads you to understand that all of life exists within this present moment.
Meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts.
Mental health
Becoming more aware of the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us.
The body is of utmost importance for our holistic health as it is here that the mental and spiritual realms reside.

At Here and Now we strive to achieve a harmonious balance between the physical body, mental capacities and the emotional self by understanding that our experiences here are beyond just the physical.
We provide a combination of Alternative and Holistic Health services, our values and perspective at Here and Now is that all the healing and resources that we require to achieve a sense of vitality and well-being are already present within us and abundantly in sources all around us as well.
Right practice for you.
Aleena offers a harmonious blend of transformative practices for holistic well-being:
Meet our Founder
Aleena Balsara
Medical Yoga Therapist
Aleena’s journey is a story of transformation and unwavering perseverance. As a Medical Yoga practitioner, she has dedicated her life to understanding the complex interplay between the body, mind, and soul. A former behavioural counsellor, Aleena specialized in treating anxiety, depression, and OCD, but it was the COVID-19 pandemic that tested her own mental health.

Join our gold-standard Mentorship Programs

Aleena’s mentorship programs cater to Yoga instructors and alternative healers, providing a comprehensive understanding of various healing modalities.
Beautiful and inspirational words from my clients